Cultivating a secure relationship with both shadow and light
Episode 1 of ENHEARTENED is here!
I always get impressed by how long an idea can take to gestate in your heart.
Sometimes it will take years. At times it will happen quicker than you can imagine.
Some other times people will bury the seeds of their heart centered ideas so deep that they might never emerge in their lifetime.
What is the key factor that will determine if someone will allow the seeds of light in their hearts to sprout or not?
I think the answer is to build a secure relationship with your light and shadow.
(More about this a bit further down)
That is precisely what allowing the seed of ENHEARTENED to sprout has demanded of me.
Last year when I received the first idea to start a new podheartcast , I could feel the stretch in my cells. I talked myself out of it for months.
I certainly believe that there is such a thing as right timing.
Yet to be able to start this journey, I had to sit with my own resistance and address the parts of me that always had the perfect rationale not to start it yet.
I’ve had to put my inner perfectionist on a leash countless times.
I think the age of the perfectionist is over.
Welcome to the era of the imperfectionist.
People who are no longer willing to burden their light with the requirement to be perfect.
I’ve had to drink that medicine many times.
You see when a seed is in the ground, it has to find nutrients in the shadow. That is what addressing the resistance and even the fears is about.
It helps you reclaim the spiritual stamina to start sprouting.
Then there is the journey upwards. The emergence. Where the seed has to find its way out of the ground to get back in touch with the sun.
That journey in itself is another leap of faith. A form of surrender. Where the seed has to trade the safety of being buried under ground, to come fully alive.
And when the seed has finally sprouted, the new plant stands as a bridge between dark and shadow. That’s the place of ultimate aliveness.
Where the dark provides the raw material that the light will help metabolize into full aliveness. The perfect alliance.
A secure relationship between earth and aether.
This is my devotion. My practice. And I want to invite you to join me on the journey.
That is how Enheartened was born—not in the pursuit of perfection, but in a devotion to depth, to help you stand as a strong bridge between you humanity and your inner divinity.
And guess what………
The first episode is finally HERE!
This one is a solo cast, to set the energetic tone.
And as you can expect, I discuss in there creating a secure relationship with both shadow and light.
I truly think that it is the cornerstone of real self liberation.
I won’t say more than that :). And I am inviting you to listen/watch this first release.
Episode 1 of Enheartened Is Live
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In gratitude and reverence,
— Xavier
This is so on time for me. The alignment is crazy. Thank you for leading this conversation.
Awesome 🤩