Lately I’ve been talking to more and more people who have expressed feeling like they are “on the verge” of transformation and expansion... Yet they also feel more stuck than they’ve felt in a long time.
Can you relate?
That feeling can be challenging to hold.
It is the friction between knowing that something you’ve desired for a long time is closer than it’s ever been, and yet you can’t figure out how to actualize it.
Talk about a holy tension of opposites!
So how the hell do you get unstuck when you feel trapped in these energetics?
As real as it feels, you’re not stuck
I know that telling you that you are not stuck does very little to help you feel liberated.
I do get that believe me.
I’ve gone through episodes of depression where I felt like I was doomed to stagnation.
So I know how frustrating it can feel that there is no forward motion despite your best efforts.
So please bear with me here for a second.
If you are not stuck, what the hell is freaking going on when you feel trapped… and that you cannot express the best that you have to offer to the world?
Here is my best attempt at expressing it.
You are not stuck. Your psyche is screaming for more integration.
You are not stuck. There are parts of you that feel unseen that need your attention.
You are only as liberated as you are integrated.
What does that even mean to be more integrated? It goes beyond resolving emotional injuries and ancient pain lingering in your body.
It is an unwavering desire to be with all aspects of yourself, especially the ones that feel unseen. The ones that linger in the dark.
Especially the ones that are starving from a lack of your own love.
It means being radically intimate with more of who you are.
It means having all the different aspects of who you are operate as a harmonious whole, instead of feeling crippled by inner conflicts.
Doing that drastically reduces what ‘looks’ like self sabotage or what could be interpreted as you being in your own way.
The truth is you haven’t been stuck. It has just felt that way.
Yes I know that feeling is real. I am not attempting to deny your experience here. Merely to refine your perception of it.
At its core, your soul cannot be stuck.
What you have been is most likely: energetically scattered, fragmented, energetically depleted because of all the inner tensions that your emotional body has been holding.
And more integration is the bridge you’ve been looking for.
In most situations you don’t feel stuck because you don’t know what to do. You feel stuck because you are too fragmented to take action on what you know.
Walking the sacred bridge of integration
There is a sacred bridge between stuck and unleashed. That’s the bridge of integration.
There is a technology to this practice.
No pep talk will get you to feel more integrated. No motivational video on YouTube will work.
You need to be brave enough to see the unseen, feel the unfelt and expressed the repressed within yourself.
This is what allows you to reclaim the spiritual stamina to be unleashed in the ways you crave.
This sacred practice is what we lean into in my 4-month group immersion INTEGRATE.
INTEGRATE is encoded with the blueprint to getting unleashed.
There is untapped power in your shadow.
And now more than ever before, it is time to weave that power consciously.
The enrollment is now open for my 7th cohort of INTEGRATE.
Find more details and join the immersion HERE.
As always, thank you for reading.
In gratitude and reverence,
— Xavier
Love this post. This has been my 15-year journey...learning how to integrate and love the abandoned and scattered parts of myself. I have recently learned that, as an adult, you cannot be abandoned. So any fear of that is lingering from childhood abandonment. Trying to learn how to gather up and tend to my inner child, which I believe is the key to my total liberation. Thanks for this angle <3
It feels like a time where things are coming to a head for people! Resonant timing on this post, thank you. 🙏🏻