I thought it’d be appropriate to start this new writing series about embodied light with addressing the elephant in the room: your light.
What is your light? It’s a term used massively in spiritual circles… and once in a while I have someone asking me: what do you mean by “your light”?
That question is difficult to answer because it is attempting to define something undefinable and multidimensional.
The only way I could attempt to transmit the frequency of what your light is (or at least my perception of it) through the written word, is via poetry.
I wrote this poem months ago and it felt appropriate to share it with you.
At the end I share 3 questions that will help you begin the journey of recalibrating your relationship to your own light.
Poem: What is your light... It is the frequency you emanate when your heart opens It is the beauty you radiate when joy overrides your fears It is the infectious laughter and unadulterated playfulness of the child within you It is the pulse in your heart when you love without conditions It is your ability to care and seek beauty In a world that wants to convince you that it's safer to be apathetic and cynical It is the bravery you harness when you face what you dread instead of letting it run you It is the courage to be loving when you have all the best reasons to be bitter It is your devotion to authenticity when you have no guarantees of validation or approval It is the alchemy you ignite when you witness your pain and humanness with a heart of compassion It is the fire you unleash when you take a stand for what is loving It is your relentless pursuit of what fills your heart with passion despite the trials and tribulations It is the voice within that tells you that life is worth living even when you go through your darkest hour It is the gifts that come so easy to you that you don't realize how pristine they are It is the peace that surrounds you when you are in harmony with your inner divinity It is your willingness to trust the unseen whisper of your intuition It is your devotion to your creative expression It is your heart centered presence The very fabric of your being The wind of life you call your breath The geometry of love within your cells If you look deeply enough you'll see that there's absolutely no part of you that is void of light For the truth is... when you take down all the masks you've identified with at your core... you are light.
I think all the work we do on ourselves is truly about one thing… to get in the appropriate relationship with your brightness. So my invitation for you would be to reflect of what is your relationship status with your light? Are you in a committed relationship or are you merely flirting with it? What would it look like to unleash it even more?
3 questions for you…
When I think about unleashing my light, what comes up to mind first is…
The fears I’ll have to challenge if I allow myself to unleash my light more fully are…
Who I know I can become if I integrate more of my light is…
Thank you for reading
In gratitude,
— Xavier
I don't know what this is a sign of, but everytime you talk of light, I start tearing up and getting emotional. I even sobbed one day. It's like it wants to come out but I don't know how to get out of the way.
Love this so much, thank you Xavier…shining my light so others see there’s is a deep passion for me 🙏🏽✨