Reclaiming the energetic "real estate" to finance your calling
What it truly takes to be unleashed
I’ve always been one to think that alignment is not enough to create movement in your life.
By movement I mean fulfilling and meaningful change.
Alignment is a great starting point is not enough to take you all the way there. Would you agree?
I know so many people who have such great beauty to offer to the world, they even feel aligned with the thought of sharing it, but they are still stuck in the starting blocks.
I was one of these people. I stayed in that space for years. And my hope for you is that you don’t have to.
The next logical question is this one: “If being aligned with a specific path is not enough, then what will create forward motion?”
Well, let me put it this way…
Many people have clarity on what their soul desires, but lack the emotional stamina to finance it. They lack the emotional capacity to act on it.
said differently,
People are rarely stuck because they don’t know what to do. They very often are because they are too energetically scattered, fragmented and emotionally under resourced to act on what they already know.
What that means is that getting unstuck is truly a journey of emotional and spiritual maturation.
It will not only invite you to romance your edges, but it will also invite you to become intimate with the aspects of you that carry unfinished emotional business, so that you may reclaim the capacity to “energetically finance” what you truly desire and who you wish to become.
Beyond everything getting unleashed, it is a journey of integration. This is what often causes me to say that:
You are only as liberated as you are integrated.
What needs to be integrated?
The aspects of you that have equated the transformation you seek with some form of threat.
The aspects of you that carry unresolved pain and emotional injuries that pursuing what you desire will most likely trigger.
The traits that are repressed in the shadow that getting unleashed will require of you to reclaim, such as your boldness or your repressed light
I could go on and on, but if you want to have a sense of what you need to integrate within yourself in order to move forward with intention and purpose, just answer the following prompt with as much spontaneity and radical honesty as you can…
The aspects of me that I’ll need to reconcile with so that I can feel more liberated are…
What comes up for you?
Also, what does it mean for you to get unleashed at this moment in your life? Please share below.
The unleashed challenge
To help you dissolve the hidden forces that keep you in stagnation, this Monday, I am bringing back the unleashed challenge in this substack community.
The challenge is totally free and all you need to do to participate is to keep an eye on your email inbox.
The unleashed challenge is a 5-day challenge where each day we will be focusing on one key pillar that will help you regain momentum.
Each day you’ll receive a 10min video training from me that will help you deepen your exploration, integrate and reclaim more spiritual stamina to pursue what you truly desire.
Find more details in the video below.
I hope this free offering supports you and please share it with as many people you think might benefit from this.
Thank you for being here.
In gratitude and reverence,
— Xavier
Coming soon…
Shame is what comes up for me, and fear of being misunderstood. I choose my words a little too carefully. I grew up in a home where it was dangerous to express myself, everytime I do it is a little rebellion. Despite the fear, I keep showing up. More and more now. This offering comes at the perfect time. Thank you.
Getting unleashed at this moment in my life feels like my only choice. I know it’s the only path to satisfaction and fulfillment and the things I truly desire. Grateful for this opportunity - your work always seems to get at the real heart of things.