Shame is what comes up for me, and fear of being misunderstood. I choose my words a little too carefully. I grew up in a home where it was dangerous to express myself, everytime I do it is a little rebellion. Despite the fear, I keep showing up. More and more now. This offering comes at the perfect time. Thank you.

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Same for me. Thank you for helping find the words.

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Getting unleashed at this moment in my life feels like my only choice. I know it’s the only path to satisfaction and fulfillment and the things I truly desire. Grateful for this opportunity - your work always seems to get at the real heart of things.

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I feel the same way!

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Fear definitely arises for me in many different ways— of disappointing loved ones, not being understood, failure and even fear of the unknown. It’s been engrained in me from a young age to be the “good girl” and for most of my life, it’s been my identity. I suppose there’s even a fear of losing myself since I’ve always identified with what has limited me my whole life.

I’m really looking forward to the next five days of diving deeper into my true nature and experiencing ME and not the perception of what I’ve always thought I should be.

Sending love to all who’ll be on this journey this week. 💕

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Thank for the love and the words!

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Getting unleashed means being seen and knowing that I am divinely supported🤍

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anger and "loudness" is what popped up

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As always your timing is incredible! What came up for me was self worth, ah that old Chestnut! Right now being unleashed would mean reclaiming my sense of freedom. I am aware that there is an unintegrated part of me trying to run the show. It is just beyond my reach right now to define it's edges but I am aware of it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I'm REALLY looking forward to this work this week!!

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I’m grateful to see this today

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Pure alchemy - words turned into something that shifts reality ⚡✨

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I resonate with everything you wrote. I experienced it firsthand, I see my clients experience it, and it’s always the same conclusion : strategy, yes, alignment, yes, but without emotional tools, nope. Can’t wait to see your challenge. Thank you for your work 🙏

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This really made me take notice. Like a splash of cool water on my face waking me up. I don't know that I have heard these ideas expressed just this way before. I appreciate the opportunity of a new perspective!

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It means peace. You see, I have been struggling with the pain of knowing what to do and how to do never committed enough to put in my best.

I have also struggled with accepting the tough responsibilities of my journey.

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As much as I believe in the gifts I have to share, I have a fear of being seen, misunderstood or judged. Not being good enough. My light is reigniting over the last year after being dimmed for quite some time. I’ve been doing a lot of inner work but still feeling stuck at where I begin.

Unleashed to me means total freedom to be myself unapologetically. This couldn’t have come at a better time. I deeply appreciate you and your work Xavier.

Excited for the next 5 days! ❤️‍🔥

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Emotional pain of not being loved as a child by my father came up. And then being denied to express that pain as well. Ugh. How do I participate?

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Thank you so much for this clarification. The prompt was quite illuminating for me 💗

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Thank you for posting today. Exactly in the right place at the right time.

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