Xavier, thank you for writing this. I read it exactly in the moment that I needed it. The nudge towards spontaneity for the prompts was very helpful. I was able to let go of control and answer the prompts with integrity and honesty. In the end, I was able to move out of shame and into love for myself.

What comes up often for me is my relationship to worthiness. I often find that what drives and fuels my fear is not feeling or being worthy enough. I'd love to see you write more about worthiness.

Thank you for sharing yourself with us xo

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You speak briefly about contradictions in Buddhism and perhaps Taoism, and it's been on my mind since I read it! Buddhism is all about contradictions, yes. You've hit the nail on the head. However, the point of initial meditation objects and focus is that precise realization. Among others. You must go deeper to see how it all comes together--the contradiction and the alignment. It's all koan, riddle, reflection. Based on everything of yours I've read on Instagram and here, you'd love it.

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Great text. It is exactly what I needed at the moment. I think your work is illuminating and I appreciate very much what you are doing. Hope to read your book as well one day!

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Amazingly comprehensive text, showing a path through many places where it is easy to get stuck. I have also noticed how non-attachment can become general avoidance and phobia for even having, feeling and expressing desires, but I could never express it in such an understandable and compassionate way. Thank you 🙏❤️

(I am at a junction where I can’t separate out accountability from people pleasing. I have a coarse rule of thumb that one is from love and abundance and one is from fear, shame and guilt, but in real life this gets messy for me. I just remember my real shortcomings and lack of accountability, and have a hard time to get past that to, yes, my DESIRE to be accountable trustworthy while still having boundaries. If you have advanced thoughts on this I am so interested!)

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As always your writing enables me to dig a little deeper, face what is in tge shadows with love and acceptance, thank you Xavier 🙏🏽

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Thank you

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I really needed this today!

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Interesting - thank you :) I myself have felt triggered recently and I identified that within myself through how my body felt. Anxious. And this was the fear of disappointment kicking in.

I had a word with myself, did some journaling and gave myself per mission to feel how I feel, and perhaps feel excited rather than afraid. And it was exactly how you say. By feeling afraid of rejection/dissapointment it was negatively impacting my life through this anxiety. But now I know I can instead be excited and I am secure and happy in myself that even if the hoped for outcome doesn’t arise. I will be absolutely fine and it doesn’t mean I am not worthy x it just means it wasn’t part of my future :) which is cool!

Thanks so much

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I love it! Your emails are fantastic and provide me with a fresh perspective on life. Thank you so much!

I would love to hear your thoughts on money. A little bit of an introduction… My name is Kelly, I’m 53, from Brasil, living in the USA, work as a ski instructor full time. I’m a certified life coach and flower remedies alchemist. I love your work. This is what I would like to hear your thoughts about it. I have a passion for understanding how to create more wealth, and as a woman, I find this topic fascinating. I admire women who are successful in making money and are unapologetic about it; they can lose everything and still stand tall. They don’t need anything but the determination to share their work with the world. I aspire to create this for myself.

When I ask myself why, the answer is to serve as an example of what’s possible for women. Currently, I am living paycheck to paycheck, and it never feels like enough. Although I have everything I need, I struggle to see the potential for creating more and contributing positively to the world.

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I am protective of my heart, I have self worth which feeds me.

The hope, with expectation, which I have, it is there.. but I will not purposefully, go looking for it..

I very much feel it will find me, if this is meant for me.

I’d like to think healing and time have put the past behind me.. To move forward with vulnerability.

Perhaps, with further thought.. only time will tell… but a subject which may need further thought.

Thank you.. an important and valuable lesson.

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