Welcome to the final day of the Unleashed Challenge.
I hope this adventure has been an illuminating one for you.
I hope it at least helped you cast a new light onto what has caused you to feel stagnant in some areas of your life and how you can begin to reclaim more movement.
Yesterday on day 4 we explored what it looks like to build a new inner foundation for your unleashed self. If you haven't tuned into it, you'll find it below 👇🏾…
Today on day 5 we explore what is your relationship status with your own brightness.
Is it something you trust? Are you willing to let it call the shots in your life? That is truly what being unleashed is about.
This challenge has been about reestablishing a healthier relationship with your brightness—not from a disembodied place, but from a full-blooded, embodied, deeply rooted space.
I think one of the highest purposes of the art of shadow integration is to help you heal your relationship with your light.
It goes beyond healing, it goes beyond getting rid of pain and suffering. It is truly about being unleashed.
Moving at the Speed of Your Highest Truth
The way I see it, being unleashed means moving at the speed of your highest truth—the speed of your light, your intuition, and your inner knowing.
It means allowing your heart to call more of the shots in your life and trusting that your brightness will hold you even when it feels scary.
Doing this work is about expanding into full aliveness. To embrace all the textures and flavors of life, to express fully, and to surrender to the path we came here to walk.
This demands that you rebuild trust with your light itself.
Rebuilding Trust With Your Light
Here is a harsh truth: every time we silence an intuitive nudge or disown our light, we unconsciously affirm that we trust darkness to keep us safe, more than we trust our light.
This is a belief that gets to change if you are about to get unleashed.
There is a new form of safety that your light wants to introduce you to.
The kind of safety that comes from being truly intimate with your power and from unleashing your open heart.
The kind of safety that comes from trusting that you are equipped at a cellular level to handle the friction that comes with a fuller embodiment of your brightness.
Here are some prompts to help you build deeper trust with your brightness:
I haven't trusted my light to keep me safe from…
How each one of these situations was an invitation in disguise to build more trust with my light is…
The ways I still hold myself back from shining too brightly are…
The part of me that is tired of playing small wants to say…
If I fully trusted my brightness, I would…
The small ways I can start rebuilding trust with my brightness are…
The truth I now choose to believe about my brightness is…
What comes up for you as you explore these prompts? Leave a comment below.
Trust is something that is built. It is not just trust in your light. It is trust in yourself really.
It is trust in your ability to handle the responsibilities and consequences that may come from a fuller embodiment of your light.
It is also trust to receive the beauty that will come from embracing this expansion. This is what it's about.
Final notes and a token of appreciation
This challenge was an imperfect attempt to encapsulate in five 10 min videos a blueprint that requires a much deeper dive.
There is much more that goes into the concepts that I shared with you over the last 5 days.
Think about each one of these concepts as zip files that need to be unpacked and integrated… and finally acted upon.
This is not something you just contemplate intellectually. It's something that you somatically process and embody.
And I would like to help you do just that.
I don’t want this challenge to be just another self help block of information that you won't fully digest. I hope it doesn’t sit and gather dust somewhere in your inbox.
That's why I’m inviting you to join my private community The Embodied Light Project (ELP).
ELP is where we bridge shadow and light, heal our relationship with our brightness, and move into full embodied transformation. This is where we take this work deeper.
The winter enrollment for The Embodied Light Project (ELP is now open.
If the work we did together in this challenge resonated with you, in ELP we bring it much deeper.
As a token of appreciation for being part of this challenge, I’m offering you exclusive discount codes to join ELP. Use code UNLEASH12 at checkout to save 12% off the monthly membership and use code UNLEASH25 at checkout to save 25% off the yearly membership.
I want to believe that this is one of the best investments you’ll make on your Self this year.
Find out more about ELP through this link:
In gratitude and reverence,
— Xavier
Ready to go deeper? the doors of my private community The Embodied Light Project are now open for enrollment. Join the community HERE.
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