
Hi there!

I hope you enjoyed Day 1 of The Unleash Challenge. If you missed it, you will find it linked here:

Yesterday, we explored the power of romancing our stuckness instead of resisting it.

Today, we take the next step: identifying the repressed aspects of ourselves that our stuckness is inviting us to reclaim.

As you know it by now, getting unleashed is a journey of integration. It’s about bringing more of you back home instead of letting aspects linger in the shadow.

Your repressed parts hold power. That is the understatement of the millennium.

The parts of you that have been pushed into repression are not just forgotten pieces—they are potent energies that, once integrated, can unleash new levels of freedom and expression in your life.

Often, these repressed aspects are surrounded by deep fears. And these fears are dragons that need to be faced so that you can embody more of your power.

That’s why today, we’re diving into the five core fears that fuel our repression and that we must undo.

The Five Core Fears

As you move through today’s exploration, notice which of these fears resonate most with you:

  • Fear of Humiliation – The fear of embarrassment, shame, or looking like a fool. This fear often stems from an emotional addiction to praise and validation, which can keep you from fully expressing yourself.

  • Fear of Alienation – The fear of exclusion or rejection. This often leads to the suppression of our true selves in order to maintain belonging.

  • Fear of Loss – The fear of losing status, relationships, or security. This can cause us to cling to things that no longer serve us, preventing necessary transformation.

  • Fear of Persecution – The fear of judgment or conflict. This can result in an addiction to safety, making us shrink back instead of stepping into our full power.

  • Fear of Death – Not just physical death, but the death of an identity or way of being. Change requires a form of death, and embracing this fear is key to true liberation.

Getting unleashed will require that you confront some of these fears.

Therefore, reclaiming the courage to deliberately face them, is part of the initiation.

Which one(s) of these fears resonate(s) most with you? Share below.

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Today’s Invitation: Meet Your Fear, Reclaim Your Power

Here are some prompts to help you explore your own repression and the fears that surround it:

  • The parts of me that I am choosing to repress to protect myself from experiencing persecution, humiliation, alienation or exclusion are…

  • I learned to suppress this part of me because…

  • A memory that shaped my belief that this part of me was “bad” or “unacceptable” was…

  • If I fully expressed this part of me, I fear that…

  • A way I can begin expressing this part of me safely is…

  • If I allowed myself to embody this trait fully, my life might change by…

  • What this part of me actually wants to offer me is…

Your work today is not to fight these fears, but to meet them—to see them, acknowledge them, and understand the emotional addictions they may be tied to. This is how you begin to reclaim your power.

What comes next

Tomorrow, we work on unleashing your golden shadow. The light you often hide in the dark. It is a key aspect of reclaiming your fullness and expressing it in the world. See you tomorrow for day 3.

Thank you for being here.

In gratitude and reverence,


Ready to go deeper? the doors of my private community The Embodied Light Project open later this week for enrollment. Join the waitlist HERE.


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