
Unleashing your golden shadow

Unleashed Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 of the Unleash Challenge is here! I hope that at the very least this journey together is bringing up new awareness.

If you’ve made it this far, I’m inviting you to take a moment to appreciate yourself. This work isn’t easy, and yet here you are—leaning into what most people would rather avoid. I honor your devotion to your Self.

Yesterday on day 2, we’ve explored how to undo your repression and how to begin to reclaim the power that resides there. If you haven’t watched it yet, you can use the link below to do so…

So far, we’ve explored romancing our stuckness and uncovering the fears that hold us back.

Today, we shift our focus to what’s on the other side of repression: the Golden Shadow—the light we’ve kept hidden in the dark.

The hidden Invitation of Your Stuckness

Every challenge, every crisis you face isn’t just about moving through pain—it’s also an invitation to reclaim a hidden aspect of your radiance.

Many of us grew up equating our power and our brilliance, with unsafety.

We learned to dim our light to avoid humiliation, rejection, persecution, or alienation. But here’s a truth that is more and more apparent to me:

The Earth is ready for your light. She’s been ready for a long time.

Working to unearth and embody your golden shadow is what evolution at it’s finest looks like.

The premise I’m inviting you to ponder is that underneath your stuckness, there is an aspect of your golden shadow that wishes to be unleashed.

We have a way to project our golden shadow onto people we admire, envy, and in some darker ways onto people we silently wish to see fail.

That light is available within you and it wishes to be reclaimed.

I expand more on this in the challenge video above.

Today’s Exploration: Unearthing Your Golden Shadow

Look at the area of your life where you feel most stuck and ask yourself:

  • If my stuckness was a sign that something greater wants to emerge, what that could be is…

  • The qualities I deeply admire in others but struggle to see in myself are…

  • The qualities or things that other people have that I silently envy are…

  • How a bold, courageous version of me would handle the situations where I’ve felt the most stuck is…

  • How a slightly more outrageous version of me would handle the situations where I’ve felt stuck is…

  • The traits I’d have to cultivate within myself to handle these situations more powerfully are…

  • The gifts and strengths I have secretly held back from the world are…

  • I first learned to repress this part of me when…

  • The messages I received about being too big, bold, talented, or bright were…

  • One small yet bold step I can take today to embody more of my light is…

What emerges for you as you go through these inquiries?

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What comes next

Tomorrow, we work on day 4, we work on becoming the authority in your own life. This is a key step of what I like to call your emergence. A radical reclamation of your brightness.

Thank you for being here.

In gratitude and reverence,


Ready to go deeper? the doors of my private community The Embodied Light Project open later this week for enrollment. Join the waitlist HERE.


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