I loved the prompt one small but outrageous step I can take to embody my light is...it can feel overwhelming so small steps are whats needed.

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I see you. It's important to honor your own pace

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That was very interesting thank you 🙏

I feel motivated, excited, nervous and anxious. Going through the process I felt a recognition of myself and what I am capable of.

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Glad you're here ❤️

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I kept having the same idea for years and then got offered to make a game on climate, a synthesis of TCM and dramatherapy via PHD funding. I was so excited as it felt like my life's work. 18 mths later, I couldnt get it over the methodology line , didn't have the money or knowledge to do it myself and so professionally, I had to withdraw, Then I tried to write about it and that didn't work either so I gave up.

Its been 10 years since I withdrew and I have been leading a simple more manageable life but there is that nagging feeling of 'what if'. I'm not sure whether I can be bothered or tha it is a different time now

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I can feel myself gaining more freedom and being less fragmented. Thank you so much

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I know there’s great power in me using my voice to speak more publicly, tell more stories around trauma and food (I’m an eating psychology coach.) I know my perfectionist part keeps me hiding or shying away from being the true conduit of my message, which is so much more important than how perfectly it’s delivered.

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