
Becoming the authority in your own life

Unleashed Challenge - Day 4

The Unleashed Challenge is slowly heading towards the end with only two days left (including today).

Yesterday on day 3 we explored what it’s like to unveil the golden shadow underneath your stuckness.

If you missed it, please use the link below to revisit it 👇🏾…

… It will help you identify the richness that lies beneath your stuckness and the strength and light you get to unleash.

Today marks the beginning of the emergence—stepping into your radiance and making space for your unleashed self.

The question is: what does it look like for you to create the foundation that will support your renewed self?

what are the foundations of belief and conditioning that were rotten?

How were you still trying to build a new self yet unconsciously attempting to remain loyal to your old conditioning?

This is about the awakening of the sovereign archetype within you.

The one that doesn’t need permission from anyone external to yourself to create what you desire in your life.

That means giving to yourself the permissions you were seeking outside of yourself to be unleashed.

Reclaiming the Power of Permission

You may have an idea of what your brilliance and your gifts are… You may even have an idea of what it is you genuinely love… but embodying them requires a form of inner permission that cannot really be granted by anyone other than you.

Growing up, we looked to authority figures for guidance, and in doing so, we internalized limiting rules about what we should or shouldn’t do.

Unconsciously, we stay loyal to these rules, even when they no longer serve us.

The invitation today is to reclaim your inner authority. To break free from the inherited beliefs that keep you small and make more space for your true radiance.

The cornerstone is this question:

“what new values do you need to embrace in your life, that will support your highest blueprint?”

And how can you become a disciple of these values?

Today’s Exploration: Challenging the Rules of your old Conditioning

Use these prompts to reflect on what it would take for you to make more room for your unleashed self:

  • The thought of unleashing my radiant self feels…

  • The rules from my conditioning that I need to challenge in order to be fully unleashed are…

  • The part of me that is still unconsciously loyal to these rules is…

  • What that part of me longs for the most that I couldn’t get before is…

  • How I can give to myself more of what that part of me craves is…

  • People in my life that my younger self believes I would be betraying if I allow myself to be unleashed are…

  • The opportunities I have missed because of the fear of making others uncomfortable are…

  • The new permissions I need to give myself in order to be unleashed are…

  • The rules I have internalized that I now give myself permission to challenge are…

  • The unfiltered version of me would do/say…

We often carry internalized critics—versions of past authority figures that still live rent-free in our minds. What would it look like to challenge that critic? To reclaim the throne of leadership in your own life?

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Ready to Go Deeper?

The early enrollment for The Embodied Light Project (ELP)—my private membership community is now open.

If the work we do together in this challenge resonates with you, in ELP we bring it much deeper.

As a token of appreciation for being part of this challenge, I’m offering exclusive discount codes to join ELP. Use code UNLEASH12 at checkout to save 12% off the monthly membership and use code UNLEASH25 at checkout to save 25% off the yearly membership.

I want to believe that this is one of the best investments you’ll make on your Self this year.

Find out more about ELP through this link:


What comes next

Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge. We step into living at the speed of your highest truth. Get ready to become a devotee of your higher self.

If this challenge has brought you any value so far, I’d like to know in the comment section below.

Thank you for being here. I’ll see you tomorrow for the final day of the challenge.

In gratitude and reverence,


Ready to go deeper? the doors of my private community The Embodied Light Project are now for enrollment. Join the community HERE.


Share Embodied Light w/ Xavier Dagba